Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Is your Federal Resume Super-Specialized

Is your Federal Resume Super-SpecializedIs your Federal Resume Super-SpecializedIs your Federal Resume Super-Specialized?Why your has to be super-specialized to get Best QualifiedCompetition is growing for the best jobs in the country In todays job market, hundreds and thousands of job seekers are sending resumes for federal positions now. Its well publicized in the media that the federal jobs pay better, and benefits and retirement are better than private industry. ansicht federal positions are the best jobs in the entire US.So now there is a dramatic increase in applications per position. To compete against more competition, your federal resume has to be super-specialized for each position.One federal resume does NOT fit all federal applicationsWe are finding at The Resume Place, Inc. that many federal job seekers are using one resume to apply for many positions. This approach is not effective. Each federal resume must be super-specialized to get a score of 90 or above and to get B est Qualified and Referred to a Supervisor. We are hearing from frustrated federal job seekers who are submitting 60, 100, even 200 federal resumes and NOT getting Referred, or if they are Referred, they are not selected for an Interview. These job seekers say they are qualified but are having no luck. One reason could be that their federal resume is NOT super-specialized toward an announcement.Hot Tip Dont overlook the One Year Specialized Experience section of the vacancy announcementWhat many people dont see in the long vacancy announcements is that each job announcement will state that a position requires One Year Specialized Experience for all positions. Your resume MUST show that you have this One Year Specialized experience in order to qualify for the position.Where does an applicant find the Specialized Experience in the vacancy announcement?Each announcement will state the Specialized Experience needed for the job. The announcement will usually say something like this Your resume must demonstrate that you have 52 weeks of specialized experience in this certain field. Your resume should include examples of this and this and this and this.Heres how your federal resume can become a super-specialized federal resumeAdd your KSAs into the resume.Although the KSAs narratives are supposedly eliminated by the Hiring Reform, many applications will ask for your KSAs to be demonstrated in your resume. These KSAs to be added into your resume will be different for each vacancy announcement even if you are applying for generally the same types of jobs. Make your resume super-specialized by adding these KSAs right into the text of your resume in the Work Experience section to get the best score.Highlight your Specialized Experience.menschlich resources specialists are overwhelmed with resumes. They have so many resumes to review, and they are looking for quick ways to eliminate you from consideration. You will want the initial Human Resources reviewer to see yourspec ialized experience quickly. They will give you more consideration, because your resume clearly demonstrates your qualifications. This could result in a better score on your federal resume (best scores are 90+)Add keywords from the Specialized Experience section.Change at least 10 to 20 keywords and phrases in your federal resume for each announcement, so that the resume clearly hits the Specialized Experience. Find the keywords in the mission, duties, and qualifications sections of the vacancy announcement.Give examples to PROVE that you have the Specialized Experience.Vacancy announcements will request examples, and you should write them in your federal resume. These examples are your Accomplishment Record they prove from your past performance that you will have a certain track record for future performance.If possible, add your Specialized Experience to the first page of your resume.Thefruchtwein valuable real estate in your federal resume is the first page. If your last job or cu rrent job is your most relevant, list this one first.Readability counts add the Specialized Experience in the Outline Format Resume.Use ALL CAPS and spacing to help the HR specialist find this important specialized experience. If its easy to read by busy HR specialists, that can help you get a better score and get referred.THE RESUME PLACE, INC. CERTIFIED FEDERAL RESUME WRITERS produce super-specialized federal resumes. Get professional help with your federal resumes and land one of the best jobs in the United States todayDo you want a FREE Estimate for a super-specialized federal resume? Just complete our registration and federal resume profile. We will write back to you and give a few recommendations for super-specialized writing strategies plus an estimate for our professional services to help you achieve your federal career goals. Professional strategic writing for federal jobs is an investment in your future and career, not just a federal resume writing service.Good luck with your Super-Specialized federal resume. Get Best Qualified, Referred, Interviewed and Hired with your Super Specialized Federal Resume. Each application is unique, no two are the sameKathryn Troutman, Author, Ten Steps to a Federal Job

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